Javascript : How to get width and height of a div?
Problem :
You have a <div>
and you want to get the dimension of the <div>
such as height and width. You want to ensure that the <div>
dimension is not being tempered by third-party browser's add-ons.
How to do that?
Solution :
Imagine you have a <div id="box">
with id = box. You can get the dimension with getElementById()
function to get the offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties.
For example :
the HTML :
<div id="box">
fill up something here
the more you fill... the higher
the height will be
and the Javascript :
var element = document.getElementById('box');
var height = element.offsetHeight;
var width = element.offsetWidth;
See demo at
IF the height or width is below certain pixels, you can either prompt alert to your website visitors or redirect them to another page.
By Adam Ng
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