Golang : Word limiter example
You want to limit a string to X number of words. How to do that?
Break the string into a slice of words, count the total number of words and join the words into a new string again but limited to the specified X number.
For example:
package main
import (
// Limits a string to X number of words.
func word_limiter(s string, limit int) string {
if strings.TrimSpace(s) == "" {
return s
// convert string to slice
strSlice := strings.Fields(s)
// count the number of words
numWords := len(strSlice)
var result string
if numWords > limit {
// convert slice/array back to string
result = strings.Join(strSlice[0:limit], " ")
// the three dots for end characters are optional
// you can change it to something else or remove this line
result = result + "..."
} else {
// the number of limit is higher than the number of words
// return default or else will cause
// panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range
result = s
return string(result)
func main() {
str := "Here is a nice text string consisting of eleven words."
// limit to 3 words
fmt.Println(word_limiter(str, 3))
// limit to 8 words
fmt.Println(word_limiter(str, 8))
// limit to 18 words
// will return all words because limit is higher than the number of
// words
fmt.Println(word_limiter(str, 18))
unicodeStr := "世界你好"
// limit to 3 words -- will not work!
// characters need to be separated by spaces
fmt.Println(word_limiter(unicodeStr, 3))
unicodeStr2 := "世 界 你 好"
// limit to 3 words
// -- will work because characters are separated by spaces
fmt.Println(word_limiter(unicodeStr2, 3))
Here is a...
Here is a nice text string consisting of...
Here is a nice text string consisting of eleven words.
世 界 你...
See also : Golang : Count number of runes in string
By Adam Ng
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