Golang : Qt splash screen with delay example
Back in the 90s and early 2000's most software developers will develop for graphical user interface(GUI) application rather than web based application. It is a common practice to show a splash screen
first before allowing the user to use the main application. Below is an example of how to show a splash screen for a Qt GUI application with Golang.
Please follow the setup instruction for Golang-Qt bindings at https://github.com/therecipe/qt
Tips: Dump out the documentation to text files for easier search and viewing.
$godoc github.com/therecipe/qt/widgets > widgets.txt
$godoc github.com/therecipe/qt/gui > gui.txt
$godoc github.com/therecipe/qt/core > core.txt
To run the program below, use your own image file and save it to splash-screen.jpg
. We will use this image below for this example.
Credit : https://unsplash.com/search/splash?photo=WKIJ_ozmXNI by @bady
Here you go!
package main
import (
var (
mainApp *widgets.QApplication
item *widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
imageFileName string
func delaySecond(n time.Duration) {
time.Sleep(n * time.Second)
func showSplashScreen(delay int) {
var pixmap = gui.NewQPixmap5("splash-screen.jpg", "", core.Qt__AutoColor)
splash := widgets.NewQSplashScreen(pixmap, core.Qt__Window)
func main() {
mainApp = widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args)
mainWindow := widgets.NewQMainWindow(nil, core.Qt__Window)
mainWindow.SetWindowTitle("Splash screen main window")
// can use Go routine to launch splash screen
// and show for 8 seconds but Qt will complain
// go showSplashScreen(8)
widgets.QMessageBox_Information(nil, "OK", "Splash screen is gone now and time to quit. Click OK to close.", widgets.QMessageBox__Ok, widgets.QMessageBox__Ok)
go build
the code above and place the executable in the same directory as the file splash-screen.jpg
. Execute the program and you should see the splash screen in action.
Photo credit:
https://unsplash.com/search/splash?photo=WKIJ_ozmXNI by @bady
Golang delay in seconds and minutes function
See also : Golang : Qt image viewer example
By Adam Ng
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