Golang : Parse date string and convert to dd-mm-yyyy format
A reader enquired on how to use Golang to convert date string such as "28th nov 2016" or "nov 28 2016" to 28-11-2016
To accomplish this, we use the time.Parse
function with a given layout that matches the input date string into Golang's time.Time
The only thing that we need to watch out for is to sanitize the input date string from th
, nd
and rd
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
// test 1
inputDate := "28 nov 2016"
layOut := "2 Jan 2006"
timeStamp, err := time.Parse(layOut, inputDate)
fmt.Println("Test 1 date : ", inputDate)
if err != nil {
} else {
year, month, day := timeStamp.Date()
fmt.Printf("Date : [%d]year : [%d]month : [%d]day \n", year, month, day)
// mm-dd-yyyy
fmt.Println("mm-dd-yyyy date format : ", timeStamp.Format("01-02-2006"))
// test 2
inputDate = "November 28th 2016"
fmt.Println("\n\nTest 2 date : ", inputDate)
// need to remove th, nd, st and rd from inputDate string
inputDate = strings.ToLower(inputDate)
inputDate = strings.Replace(inputDate, "th", "", -1)
inputDate = strings.Replace(inputDate, "nd", "", -1)
inputDate = strings.Replace(inputDate, "st", "", -1)
inputDate = strings.Replace(inputDate, "rd", "", -1)
layOut = "January 2 2006"
timeStamp, err = time.Parse(layOut, inputDate)
if err != nil {
} else {
year, month, day := timeStamp.Date()
fmt.Printf("Date : [%d]year : [%d]month : [%d]day \n", year, month, day)
// dd-mm-yyyy
fmt.Println("dd-mm-yyyy date format : ", timeStamp.Format("02-01-2006"))
Test 1 date : 28 nov 2016
Date : [2016]year : [11]month : [28]day
mm-dd-yyyy date format : 11-28-2016
Test 2 date : November 28th 2016
Date : [2016]year : [11]month : [28]day
dd-mm-yyyy date format : 28-11-2016
See also : Golang : Convert date or time stamp from string to time.Time type
By Adam Ng
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