Golang : How to get struct field and value by name
In Go, there are times when we need to find out the value of a field in a given structure base on the name of the field. This tutorial will show how to use the reflect
package to find out the associated value from the field name.
package main
import (
type Employee struct {
Name string
Age int
Job string
func getFieldString(e *Employee, field string) string {
r := reflect.ValueOf(e)
f := reflect.Indirect(r).FieldByName(field)
return f.String()
func getFieldInteger(e *Employee, field string) int {
r := reflect.ValueOf(e)
f := reflect.Indirect(r).FieldByName(field)
return int(f.Int())
func main() {
e := Employee{"Adam", 36, "CEO"}
fmt.Println(getFieldString(&e, "Name"))
fmt.Println(getFieldInteger(&e, "Age"))
fmt.Println(getFieldString(&e, "Job"))
Output :
Recommended reading on how to use reflect :
References :
By Adam Ng
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