Golang : How to declare kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte and so on?
Problem :
How to declare one MegaByte in Golang so that I can use it to calculate filesize allocation?
Solution :
MB is number 2(counting from zero) in the constants order of Golang's builtin byte size enumeration.
type ByteSize float64
const (
_ = iota // ignore first value by assigning to blank identifier
KB ByteSize = 1 << (10 * iota)
Therefore, to declare one mega byte, one would declare it in this way :
1 << (10 * 2)
Below is a full example on how to declare kilobyte up to yottabyte.
package main
import "fmt"
var sizeKB = 1 << (10 * 1) // 1 refers to the constants ByteSize KB
var sizeMB = 5 << (10 * 2) // 2 refers to the constants ByteSize MB -- example of declaring 5 MB
var sizeGB = 1 << (10 * 3) // 3 refers to the constants ByteSize GB
var sizeTB int64 = 1 << (10 * 4) // 4 refers to the constants ByteSize TB -- without int64 will cause overflow error
var sizePB int64 = 1 << (10 * 5) // 5 refers to the constants ByteSize PB
var sizeEB int64 = 1 << (10 * 6) // 6 refers to the constants ByteSize EB
var sizeZB complex128 = 1 << (10 * 7) // 7 refers to the constants ByteSize ZB -- only complex128 can handle this big in Golang
var sizeYB complex128 = 1 << (10 * 8) // 8 refers to the constants ByteSize YB
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %d Bytes \n", sizeKB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %d Bytes \n", sizeMB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %d Bytes \n", sizeGB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %d Bytes \n", sizeTB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %d Bytes \n", sizePB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %d Bytes \n", sizeEB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %f Bytes \n", sizeZB)
fmt.Printf("Size(raw) : %f Bytes \n", sizeYB)
fmt.Printf("Size : %d KiloByte \n", sizeKB/sizeKB)
fmt.Printf("Size : %d MegaByte \n", sizeMB/(1 << (10 * 2))) // example of 5 MB
fmt.Printf("Size : %d GigaByte \n", sizeGB/(1 << (10 * 3)))
fmt.Printf("Size : %d TeraByte \n", sizeTB/(1 << (10 * 4)))
fmt.Printf("Size : %d PetaByte \n", sizePB/(1 << (10 * 5)))
fmt.Printf("Size : %d ExaByte \n", sizeEB/(1 << (10 * 6)))
fmt.Printf("Size : %f ZettaByte \n", sizeZB/(1 << (10 * 7)))
fmt.Printf("Size : %f YottaByte \n", sizeYB/(1 << (10 * 8)))
Output :
Size(raw) : 1024 Bytes
Size(raw) : 5242880 Bytes
Size(raw) : 1073741824 Bytes
Size(raw) : 1099511627776 Bytes
Size(raw) : 1125899906842624 Bytes
Size(raw) : 1152921504606846976 Bytes
Size(raw) : (1180591620717411303424.000000+0.000000i) Bytes
Size(raw) : (1208925819614629174706176.000000+0.000000i) Bytes
Size : 1 KiloByte
Size : 5 MegaByte
Size : 1 GigaByte
Size : 1 TeraByte
Size : 1 PetaByte
Size : 1 ExaByte
Size : (1.000000+0.000000i) ZettaByte
Size : (1.000000+0.000000i) YottaByte
References :
See also : Golang : How to split or chunking a file to smaller pieces?
By Adam Ng
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