Golang : Getting Echo framework StartAutoTLS to work
You want to try out the Echo framework for Golang and somehow cannot get the AutoTLS recipe to work. What's going on and how to get it to work?
In order to get the recipe to work. You need an actual domain name. Yes, you will need to buy one or setup a sub-domain.
or IP address pointing to your web server will not work.
Hence in the documentation:
This recipe demonstrates how to obtain TLS certificates for a domain automatically from Let’s Encrypt. Echo#StartAutoTLS accepts an address which should listen on port 443.
Browse to
. If everything goes fine, you should see a welcome message with TLS enabled on the website.
Yup. Focus on the <DOMAIN>
Hope this helps!
See also : Golang : Gin framework accept query string by post request example
By Adam Ng
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