Golang : Calculate a pip value and distance to target profit example
Below is an example on how to calculate a pip value from a given trade amount and exchange rate of EURGBP. Just for fun, it will also calculate the number of pips that it needs to gain in order to hit a profit target.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
oandaAccountID := ""
oandaAPIKey := ""
// set the NewConnection 3rd parameter to [false] to use DEMO account.
// [true] for LIVE account
UsingLIVEAccount := false // set false to use https://api-fxpractice.oanda.com
oanda := goanda.NewConnection(oandaAccountID, oandaAPIKey, UsingLIVEAccount)
currencyPair := "EUR_GBP"
exchangeRate := GetPrice(oanda, currencyPair)
// 5 decimal places except for yen which is 3 decimal places
tradeAmountinEUR := 350000.00000
numberOfGBPperPip := tradeAmountinEUR * 0.0001
PipValue := numberOfGBPperPip / exchangeRate
fmt.Println(currencyPair, " exchange rate is : ", exchangeRate)
fmt.Println("Therefore a trade amount of : ", tradeAmountinEUR, "EUR ")
fmt.Printf("Will give a PIP value of : [%0.2f] EUR per pip.\n", PipValue)
// If we prefer to exit a position by hitting a target in EUR value instead of number of pips made
// then let's
// calculate how many pips we need in order to hit profit target of 200.00 EUR
targetProfit := 200.00 // EUR
pipsToGain := targetProfit / PipValue
fmt.Println("In order to hit a profit of ", targetProfit, "EUR, this trade needs....")
fmt.Printf("to gain : [%0.2f] pips \n", pipsToGain)
// verify
// PIP to price
pipToPrice := pipsToGain * PipValue
fmt.Println("Yup! Profit is :", pipToPrice, "EUR")
// Exercise
// Calculate how much is 1 pip worth in your home currency.
// Let say your account home currency is USD, calculate the 1 pip
// equivalent to USD.
// Should be very simple! Good luck!
func GetPrice(oanda *goanda.OandaConnection, cross string) float64 {
instrument := cross
priceResponse := oanda.GetInstrumentPrice(instrument)
return priceResponse.Prices[0].Bids[0].Price
Example output:
EUR_GBP exchange rate is : 0.85146
Therefore a trade amount of : 350000 EUR
Will give a PIP value of : [41.11] EUR per pip.
In order to hit a profit of 200 EUR, this trade needs....
to gain : [4.87] pips
Yup! Profit is : 200 EUR
References :
PIP - Price Interest Point
See also : Golang : Calculate pivot points for a cross
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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