Unix/Linux : secure copying between servers with SCP command examples
Have to write this down in case I forget again and hope you may find these SCP examples useful too.
Example 1:
To copy a single file :
scp sourceFile user@targetServer:targetDirectory/targetFile
Example 2:
To copy entire directory(plus sub directories) over to remote server :
scp -r sourceFolder user@targetServer:targetDirectory/targetFolder
Example 3:
To copy single file from remote server to local server:
scp user@remoteServer:remoteDirectory/remoteFile localFile
Example 4:
To copy entire directory from remote server to local server:
scp -r user@remoteServer:remoteDirectory/remoteFolder localFolder
NOTE : By default SCP works on port 22, in case the remote server has different port for SCP. You can specify the port number by the -p option :
scp -p 3300 -r user@remoteServer:remoteDirectory/remoteFolder localFolder
References :
By Adam Ng
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