Swift : Get substring with rangeOfString() function example
Problem :
You have a string and you want to get(extract) the sub string from start to {0} and from {1} to end. Ignoring the "just gave" sub string. How to do that?
let str = "Hmmm!, {0} just gave {1} a nice gift."
Solution :
Use substringToIndex()
function to the get sub string from the start to {0}. Use substringFromIndex()
function to get sub string from {1} to end.
To the sub string position, use the rangeOfString()
function calculate the position.
For example :
let str = "Hmmm!, {0} just gave {1} a nice gift."
let myTextBefore1 = str.substringToIndex(text.rangeOfString("{0}")!.startIndex) // "Hmmm!, "
let myTextAfter2 = str.substringFromIndex(text.rangeOfString("{1}")!.endIndex) // " a nice gift"
Hope you find this tutorial useful.
See also : Swift : substringWithRange() function example
By Adam Ng
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