Javascript : How to check a browser's Do Not Track status?
Problem :
You work for an advertisement network and you want to respect a visitor's Do Not Track status. How to detect or check if a visitor's browser Do Not Track is turn on or off?
Solution :
Use Javascript to extract the doNotTrack variable from the browser.
- Chrome and Firefox based browser use
- Safari is
and - Microsoft Internet Explorer use
The value returned is usually yes
or 1
For example, to check Do Not Track status for most common browsers
var DNT = window.doNotTrack == "1" || navigator.doNotTrack == "yes" || navigator.doNotTrack == "1" || navigator.msDoNotTrack == "1";
IF DNT is true, then the browser's Do Not Track is turned ON. If false or unspecified, then OFF.
[This solution will only work properly if Javascript is turned on.]
At the moment of writing, most ads networks will not honor Do Not Track status. Browser based add-on like Privacy Badger will be able to tell you which trackers will honor or ignore the Do Not Track status. In the long run, it will be wise to respect a visitor's decision to turn on Do Not Track.
Special thanks to Mr. Джон Сора of Russia for introducing Privacy Badger to me.
References :
By Adam Ng
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