Javascript : Access JSON data example
You have a JSON string such as below and you want to access the data individually via Javascript. How to access the JSON data with Javascript?
"name": "adamng",
"age": 38,
"address": {
"street": "108 Street",
"city": "Singapore"
"email": [{
"type": "personal",
"address": ""
}, {
"type": "business",
"address": ""
Use JSON.Parse()
to parse(process) the JSON string into a Javascript JSON Object and access the data via the JSON object.
Here you go!
Save this block of code into test.html
file and view it with your browser.
var JSONdata = '{"name": "adamng","age": 38,"address": {"street": "108 Street", "city": "Singapore" },"email": [{"type": "personal","address": ""}, {"type": "business","address": ""}]}';
var JSONObject = JSON.parse(JSONdata);
// retrieve the name
alert("Name :"+JSONObject["name"]);
// retrieve the age
// access the first email object properties
// access the second email object properties
See also : Javascript : How to loop over and parse JSON data?
By Adam Ng
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