PHP : How to parse ElasticSearch JSON ?
ElasticSearch returns search result in JSON format. To parse the items from the search result in PHP first you need to decode the JSON data
$decoded = json_decode($json_data);
and from the decoded data, you can scan the data array for the granular information. For example, if I wanted the title
from the returned search result
I would do something like this :
$results = $decoded->hits->hits;
foreach ($results as $item) {
$id = $item->_id;
$title = $item->_source->title; // get the title
$short_description = $item->_source->short_description;
NOTE : In case the search result from ElasticSearch is not recognize as JSON format.... you can always use json_encode
function such as the example code:
$json_data = json_encode($this->elasticsearch->advancedquery("index_type", $searchquery));
By Adam Ng
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