Golang : Underscore string example
Your program needs to process data with whitespaces and quotes. You need a quick way to remove underscore characters from a string's start and end positions. You also want to replace white spaces and quotes to underscore "_
How to do that?
Here you go!
package main
import (
func UnderScoreString(str string) string {
// convert every letter to lower case
newStr := strings.ToLower(str)
// convert all spaces/tab to underscore
regExp := regexp.MustCompile("[[:space:][:blank:]]")
newStrByte := regExp.ReplaceAll([]byte(newStr), []byte("_"))
regExp = regexp.MustCompile("`[^a-z0-9]`i")
newStrByte = regExp.ReplaceAll(newStrByte, []byte("_"))
regExp = regexp.MustCompile("[!/']")
newStrByte = regExp.ReplaceAll(newStrByte, []byte("_"))
// and remove underscore from beginning and ending
newStr = strings.TrimPrefix(string(newStrByte), "_")
newStr = strings.TrimSuffix(newStr, "_")
return newStr
func main() {
test := "That is Peter's House"
test1 := "Peter's House!"
test2 := "_88 is Peter's House number_"
Output :
See also : Golang : Format strings to SEO friendly URL example
By Adam Ng
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