Golang : Underscore or snake_case to camel case example
A quick example on how to convert underscore or snake_case
statement to camel case. Pretty much similar to the previous tutorial on how to transform spinal case to pascal case.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func snakeCaseToCamelCase(inputUnderScoreStr string) (camelCase string) {
//snake_case to camelCase
isToUpper := false
for k, v := range inputUnderScoreStr {
if k == 0 {
camelCase = strings.ToUpper(string(inputUnderScoreStr[0]))
} else {
if isToUpper {
camelCase += strings.ToUpper(string(v))
isToUpper = false
} else {
if v == '_' {
isToUpper = true
} else {
camelCase += string(v)
func main() {
snakeCase := "this_is_a_statement_with_underscore_which_is_also_known_as_Snake_Case"
result := snakeCaseToCamelCase(snakeCase)
See also : Golang : Transform lisp or spinal case to Pascal case example
By Adam Ng
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