Golang : Transform lisp or spinal case to Pascal case example
This is a continuation from the previous tutorial on how to detect the type of cases such as kebab, pascal or camel with a given input string. Below is an example of how to transform a spinal case such as kebab-is-delicious
to Pascal case KebabIsDelicious
Here you go!
package main
import (
func detectCaseType(str string) (string, error) {
// types of case to detect
// from https://github.com/qerub/camel-snake-kebab/blob/stable/src/camel_snake_kebab/core.cljc
// PascalCase
// Camel_Snake_Case
// camelCase
// snake_case
// kebab-case
// HTTP-Header-Case
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(str)
if trimmed == "" {
return "", errors.New("input string cannot be empty")
pascalCaseRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Z][a-z]+(?:[A-Z][a-z]+)*$")
camelSnakeCaseRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Z][a-z]+(_[A-Z][a-z]+)*$")
camelCaseRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z]+(?:[A-Z][a-z]+)*$")
screamingSnakeCaseRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Z]+(_[A-Z]+)*$")
snakeCaseRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z]+(_[a-z]+)*$")
kebabCaseRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*$")
// httpHeaderCaseRE -- skip this for now
if pascalCaseRE.MatchString(trimmed) {
return "PascalCase", nil
if camelSnakeCaseRE.MatchString(trimmed) {
return "CamelSnakeCase", nil
if camelCaseRE.MatchString(trimmed) {
return "CamelCase", nil
if screamingSnakeCaseRE.MatchString(trimmed) {
return "ScreamingSnakeCase", nil
if snakeCaseRE.MatchString(trimmed) {
return "SnakeCase", nil
if kebabCaseRE.MatchString(trimmed) {
return "kebabCase", nil
// default
return "normal case", nil
func kebabToPascalCase(str string) (pascalCase string) {
// check if str is of kebab type
caseType, _ := detectCaseType(str)
if caseType != "kebabCase" {
return "WARNING : input string must be of kebab, train or lisp case"
isToUpper := false
for k, v := range str {
if k == 0 {
pascalCase = strings.ToUpper(string(str[0]))
} else {
if isToUpper {
pascalCase += strings.ToUpper(string(v))
isToUpper = false
} else {
if v == '-' {
isToUpper = true
} else {
pascalCase += string(v)
func main() {
meatToSkew := "this is not a kebab-case string"
result := kebabToPascalCase(meatToSkew)
fmt.Println("[", meatToSkew, "] transform to Pascal case : [", result, "]")
meatToSkew = "this-is-a-kebab-case-string"
result1 := kebabToPascalCase(meatToSkew)
fmt.Println("[", meatToSkew, "] transform to Pascal case : [", result1, "]")
meatToSkew = "kebab-is-delicious"
result2 := kebabToPascalCase(meatToSkew)
fmt.Println("[", meatToSkew, "] transform to Pascal case : [", result2, "]")
[ this is not a kebab-case string ] transform to Pascal case : [ WARNING : input string must be of kebab, train or lisp case ]
[ this-is-a-kebab-case-string ] transform to Pascal case : [ ThisIsAKebabCaseString ]
[ kebab-is-delicious ] transform to Pascal case : [ KebabIsDelicious ]
See also : Golang : Detect number of faces or vehicles in a photo
By Adam Ng
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