Golang : Test input string for unicode example
You are trying to create a slightly different solution for user that use unicode and you want to test if an input string has unicode characters within? How to do that?
Measure the input string twice. Once with len()
function and another with utf8.RuneCountInString()
function. If both length is the same, then there is no unicode detected within the input string.
Here you go!
package main
import (
// test to see if the input string has unicode
func testStringForUnicode(s string) bool {
a := len(s)
b := utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
if a == b {
return false
} else {
return true
func main() {
fmt.Println("Enter a word, phrase or number : ")
consoleReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
answer, _ := consoleReader.ReadString('\n')
// get rid of the extra newline character from ReadString() function
answer = strings.TrimSuffix(answer, "\n")
fmt.Println(answer, " have unicode characters ? ", testStringForUnicode(answer))
Sample output:
Enter a string with or without unicode :
fuß is german language for foot
fuß is german language for foot have unicode characters ? true
Enter a string with or without unicode :
foot is english language for foot
foot is english language for foot have unicode characters ? false
See also : Golang : Handle Palindrome string with case sensitivity and unicode
By Adam Ng
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