Golang : Removes punctuation or defined delimiter from the user's input
Problem :
You need to clean up your user's input from punctuation or certain delimiter defined by you. For example, you need to parse the user's input, but only want to deal with words and certain symbols for tokenizing purpose. How to do that?
Solution :
First, we will write a function to test if the single character is a punctuation or defined delimiter.
package main
import (
const delim = "?!.;,*"
func isDelim(c string) bool {
if strings.Contains(delim, c) {
return true
return false
func main() {
char := "i"
fmt.Printf("Is [%v] a delim : %v\n", char, isDelim(char))
char = ","
fmt.Printf("Is [%v] a delim : %v\n", char, isDelim(char))
char = ";"
fmt.Printf("Is [%v] a delim : %v\n", char, isDelim(char))
char = "s"
fmt.Printf("Is [%v] a delim : %v\n", char, isDelim(char))
Output :
Is [i] a delim : false
Is [,] a delim : true
Is [;] a delim : true
Is [s] a delim : false
Then, iterate each of the characters in a string to test out if the character is a punctuation or delimiter defined by you.
package main
import (
const delim = "?!.;,*"
func isDelim(c string) bool {
if strings.Contains(delim, c) {
return true
return false
func cleanString(input string) string {
size := len(input)
temp := ""
var prevChar string
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
str := string(input[i]) // convert to string for easier operation
if (str == " " && prevChar != " ") || !isDelim(str) {
temp += str
prevChar = str
} else if prevChar != " " && isDelim(str) {
temp += " "
return temp
func main() {
str := "H ello! Who are you?!, What are you?"
newStr := cleanString(str)
fmt.Println("Original : ", str)
fmt.Println("Cleaned : ", newStr)
Output :
Original : H ello! Who are you?!, What are you?
Cleaned : H ello Who are you What are you
Reference :
By Adam Ng
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