Golang : Regular Expression find string example
This is a simple tutorial on how to use Golang's regexp package to find certain string value in a string. Nothing fancy. Just writing this down for future reference.
package main
import (
func main() {
// regular expression pattern
regE := regexp.MustCompile("/oid/([\\d]+)/")
// simulate a search
// first convert string to byte for Find() function
searchByte := []byte("/oid/1/")
matchSlice := regE.Find(searchByte)
fmt.Printf("%s \n", matchSlice) // if found, return leftmost match, without 'abc'
matchSlice2 := regE.FindAll(searchByte, 500)
fmt.Printf("%s \n", matchSlice2) // if found, return all successive matches
oid := regE.NumSubexp()
fmt.Printf("OID is %d \n", oid)
// this is how to search by string
matchSlice3 := regE.FindAllString(string(searchByte), -1)
fmt.Printf("%s \n", matchSlice3) // if found, return all successive matches
See also : Golang : Regular Expression for alphanumeric and underscore
By Adam Ng
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