Golang : Populate or initialize struct with values example
A quick and short example on how to populate or initialize a struct with values. Pretty straight forward, but it could be confusing for those new to Golang or programming in general.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
myFirstStruct := struct {
Name string
Age int
Name: "Caleb",
Age: 102,
} // populate with value
mySecondStruct := struct {
Name string
Age int
// empty or un-initialize. Golang will populate them automatically with default value
// such as empty string or zero
fmt.Printf("myFirstStruct struct : %+v\n", myFirstStruct)
fmt.Printf("mySecondStruct struct : %+v\n", mySecondStruct)
Output :
myFirstStruct struct : {Name:Caleb Age:102}
mySecondStruct struct : {Name: Age:0}
Play at : http://play.golang.org/p/f4TUFKs5pK
By Adam Ng
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