Golang : Pagination with go-paginator configuration example
Here is an example that you can use as reference on how to configure go-paginator properly. The snippets below are from my own project and it took me a while to get it right.
In the main.go
import "github.com/go-chi/chi"
mx := chi.NewRouter()
mx.HandleFunc("/listproperty", controllers.ListProperty) // to handle first page
mx.HandleFunc("/listproperty/{pageNumber}", controllers.ListProperty) // and subsequent pages(pagination)
In the ListProperty.go
// ListProperty to populate home page
func ListProperty(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
currentPageNumber := chi.URLParam(r, "pageNumber")
currentPageNumberInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(currentPageNumber) // convert to int
allRows := conn.Model(properties) <--- replace with your own function that returns all the related rows from database
propertiesPerPage := 3 <---- change this number to your own
paginated := paginator.New(adapter.NewGORMAdapter(allRows), propertiesPerPage)
if err = paginate.Results(&properties); err != nil {
templateDataMap["propertiesList"] = *properties
paginateView := view.New(&paginate)
templateDataMap["paginatePages"] = paginateView.Pages()
templateDataMap["paginateNext"] = paginateView.Next()
templateDataMap["paginatePrev"] = paginateView.Prev()
templateDataMap["paginateLast"] = paginateView.Last()
templateDataMap["paginateCurrent"] = paginateView.Current()
templateDataMap["paginateHasNext"] = paginate.HasNext()
templateDataMap["paginateHasPrev"] = paginate.HasPrev()
templateDataMap["paginateHasPages"] = paginate.HasPages()
// populate the view(template) with data
var listPropertyPageBody = template.Must(template.New("listPropertyPageBody").Parse(body.ListPropertyHTML))
if err := listPropertyPageBody.ExecuteTemplate(w, "listPropertyPageBody", templateDataMap); err != nil {
and finally in the HTML template:
{{if .paginateHasPages}}
<ul class="pagination">
{{if .paginateHasPrev}}
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="/listproperty">First</a></li>
{{if .paginateHasPrev}}
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="/listproperty/{{.paginatePrev}}">Previous</a></li>
{{range .paginatePages}}
{{if (ge $.paginateLast .)}}
<li class="page-item {{if (eq $.paginateCurrent .)}}
{{print "active"}}
{{print ""}}
<a class="page-link" href="/listproperty/{{.}}">{{.}}</a>
{{if .paginateHasNext}}
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="/listproperty/{{.paginateNext}}">Next</a></li>
{{if (gt $.paginateLast $.paginateCurrent)}}
<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="/listproperty/{{.paginateLast}}">Last</a></li>
Hope this helps!
See also : Golang : How to use if, eq and print properly in html template
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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