Golang : Iterate linked list example
Alright, you have created a linked list with container/list
and now you wonder how are you going to iterate over the elements inside the linked list.
Below is a code fragment from my previous example on how to create a linked list with Go. To iterate over the list elements, use a for loop until all the elements in the list are exhausted. To get the first element, use Front()
method and next element with Next()
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a new link list
alist := list.New()
fmt.Println("Size before : ", alist.Len()) // list size before
// push element into list
fmt.Println("Size after insert(push): ", alist.Len()) // list size after
// iterate over list elements
for e := alist.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
You play this code at http://play.golang.org/p/WGcldjJavQ
Output :
Size before : 0
Size after insert(push): 3
See also : Golang : Linked list example
By Adam Ng
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