Golang : ISO8601 Duration Parser example
An example on how to parse ISO-8601 duration in string format and convert it to time.Duration
type. However, this example doesn't parse M (month) because it cannot determine if the month is 29/30 or 31 days.
Here you go!
package main
import (
duration "github.com/channelmeter/iso8601duration"
func main() {
// note : doesn't support month!
// some months have 30 days and some 31/29 days!
dura, err := duration.FromString("P1Y2DT3H4M5S") // dura is time.Duration type
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error : ", err)
fmt.Println("Duration : ", dura)
fmt.Println("Year : ", dura.Years)
fmt.Println("Day : ", dura.Days)
fmt.Println("Hours : ", dura.Hours)
fmt.Println("Minutes : ", dura.Minutes)
fmt.Println("Seconds : ", dura.Seconds)
fmt.Println("Weeks : ", dura.Weeks)
fmt.Println("To duration : ", dura.ToDuration())
fmt.Println("Has Time Part? : ", dura.HasTimePart())
Sample output :
Year : 1
Day : 2
Hours : 3
Minutes : 4
Seconds : 5
Weeks : 0
To duration : 8811h4m5s
Has Time Part? : true
References :
By Adam Ng
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