Golang : Intercept Ctrl-C interrupt or kill signal and determine the signal type
Problem :
Your server needs to perform some clean up operation or flush everything in memory to disk before shutting down. How to intercept Ctrl-C,interrupt or kill signal in your program and perform the tasks? How to determine the signal type that your program received?
Solution :
Use the os/signal.Notify()
function to intercept the signals and perform the required tasks before shutting down.
For example : (interrupt.go)
package main
import (
func SayHelloWorld(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
html := `Hello
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", SayHelloWorld)
log.Println("Server started. Press Ctrl-C to stop server")
// Catch the Ctrl-C and SIGTERM from kill command
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
signalType := <-ch
log.Println("Exit command received. Exiting...")
// this is a good place to flush everything to disk
// before terminating.
log.Println("Signal type : ", signalType)
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux))
Run the code above with these commands :
>go run interrupt.go
and press Ctrl-C.
2015/06/23 11:40:43 Server started. Press Ctrl-C to stop server
^C2015/06/23 11:40:45 Exit command received. Exiting...
2015/06/23 11:42:45 Signal type : interrupt
>go run interrupt.go &
(no applicable to Windows)
You will see program goes to background. Find out the process ids with the ps -ef | grep interrupt
>ps -ef | grep interrupt
root 30551 30306 1 11:41 pts/0 00:00:00 go run interrupt.go
root 30559 30551 0 11:41 pts/0 00:00:00 /tmp/go-build908833771/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/interrupt
In this example, I would issue the command
>kill 30559 30551
and a similar output will be produced except that this time, the signal type is terminated
Reference :
By Adam Ng
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