Golang : HTTP Routing with Goji example
Alright, this tutorial will show you how to do HTTP routing with Carl Jackson a.k.a zenazn's Goji package. Pretty simple to use, but still require some digging to find the parameters from the web's context object.
Without much further ado ...
package main
import (
func Home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("Hello, World!"))
func SayHello(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get the name from web.C
// a request-local context object
// see https://github.com/zenazn/goji/blob/master/web/web.go
name := c.URLParams["name"]
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s !", name)))
func main() {
goji.Get("/", Home)
goji.Get("/:name", SayHello)
// goji default port number is 8000
// change to port number 8080
// with flag.Set
flag.Set("bind", ":8080")
Sample output :
Hello Grantt !
go run gojihttproute.go
2015/04/17 16:37:07.006907 Starting Goji on [::]:8080
2015/04/17 16:37:11.429155 [Sweets-Mac-Pro.lan/77dAC18tsA-000001] Started GET "/" from [::1]:56293
2015/04/17 16:37:11.429209 [Sweets-Mac-Pro.lan/77dAC18tsA-000001] Returning 200 in 15.382µs
2015/04/17 16:37:15.508627 [Sweets-Mac-Pro.lan/77dAC18tsA-000002] Started GET "/Grantt" from [::1]:56293
2015/04/17 16:37:15.508671 [Sweets-Mac-Pro.lan/77dAC18tsA-000002] Returning 200 in 12.433µs
NOTE : Nice color coded text logs spitted out by Goji! :-)
References :
See also : Golang : Pat multiplexer routing example
By Adam Ng
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