Golang : How to convert strange string to JSON with json.MarshalIndent
Your database is spewing out a funny looking string that looks like this {"width";800;"height";450}
and you want to map that string into something like this
width: 800,
height: 450,
You've tried converting the string to byte and decode with json.Unmarshal without luck. Is there a way to convert the string?
First, clean up the funny/strange
string into something sensible with strings.Replace()
function and then format it to JSON with json.MarshalIndent()
function. json.MarshalIndent()
is to pretty-print the JSON output to multiple lines instead of lumping everything into a single line.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
strFromDB := `{"width";800;"height";450}`
// deal with ;
// change ; to : after "
dealtWith := strings.Replace(strFromDB, "\";", "\":", -1)
fmt.Println("Converted to : ", dealtWith)
// trim and split
noCurlyBraces := strings.Replace(dealtWith, "{", "", -1)
noCurlyBraces = strings.Replace(noCurlyBraces, "}", "", -1)
// turn to slice
strSliceWithQuote := strings.Split(noCurlyBraces, ";")
fmt.Println("Slice : ", strSliceWithQuote)
jsonWithQuote, err := json.MarshalIndent(strSliceWithQuote, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("JSON : \n",string(jsonWithQuote))
Output :
Converted to : {"width":800;"height":450}
Slice : ["width":800 "height":450]
See also : Golang : How to convert JSON string to map and slice
By Adam Ng
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