Golang : How do I convert int to uint8?
Problem :
You have a variable of type int and you want to convert it to type uint8.
Solution :
Type cast the variable to uint8 with uint8()
package main
import (
var test int = 8
func main() {
fmt.Printf("The value of test is %d \n", test)
fmt.Printf("The type of test is %v \n", reflect.TypeOf(test))
newTest := uint8(test)
fmt.Printf("The value of newTest is %d \n", newTest)
fmt.Printf("The type of newTest is %v \n", reflect.TypeOf(newTest))
Output :
The value of test is 8
The type of test is int
The value of newTest is 8
The type of newTest is uint8
By Adam Ng
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