Golang : Get sub string example
Getting sub string is a common task in extracting details from a larger set of information. Here is a quick and simple example on how to get sub strings easily in Golang.
NOTE : Golang does not provide a sub string method. However, Go will treat a string as a slice and we can get sub strings based on a given indexes - such as first and last index. If the given indexes are invalid. Go will throw panics. To prevent panics, you can check the length of a string with the builtin len()
function before proceeding to extract the sub string with first and last index.
Here you go!
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
str := "sam,jenny,paul"
// Get substring from index 4(position starts from 0) to length of str.
substring := str[4:len(str)]
// same as above
substring = str[4:]
// get sam only
samstring := str[0:3]
Output :
Play at : http://play.golang.org/p/x9UMI3eTfS
See also : Golang : How to check if a string contains another sub-string?
By Adam Ng
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