Golang : Get S3 or CloudFront object or file information
Here is a simple example on how to get the S3, CloudFront object (in fact, any file accessible from URL) information. Information such as Etag, X-Amz-Storage-Class, Last-Modified, Cache-Control or Content-Type values. This information is also known as metadata.
package main
import (
func main() {
url := "https://d1ohg4ss876yi2.cloudfront.net/preview/golang.png"
response, err := http.Head(url)
if err != nil {
// Is our request ok?
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
// exit if not ok
for k, v := range response.Header {
fmt.Println("Header :", k, " : ", v)
Sample output :
Header : Age : [1198]
Header : Etag : ["11ef76eda4cd556455088d69eb95bdc2"]
Header : Server : [AmazonS3]
Header : Date : [Wed, 18 Nov 2015 08:19:31 GMT]
Header : Cache-Control : [max-age=315360000]
Header : Last-Modified : [Fri, 13 Nov 2015 09:44:33 GMT]
Header : X-Cache : [Hit from cloudfront]
Header : Via : [1.1 04fb12f896eac18e91eac3e60e276ed8.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)]
Header : X-Amz-Cf-Id : [J7qrcfGsa9vssCAkavL8v8zqn1JMU4PneP2aMY4LyEKSLIRRREfg==]
Header : Content-Length : [113857]
Header : Connection : [keep-alive]
Header : Accept-Ranges : [bytes]
Header : Content-Type : [image/png]
Header : X-Amz-Storage-Class : [REDUCED_REDUNDANCY]
By Adam Ng
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