Golang : Get input from keyboard
Writing text-based program to run from command line will not be completed without the ability to read input from the keyboard. Be it a single character or a string. Golang has three functions just to deal with this kind of situation. First is the fmt.Scanln() function, followed by fmt.Scan() function and fmt.Scanf() function.
Below is an example of fmt.Scanf() function
package main
import (
func main() {
var response int
fmt.Println("This program will activate SkyNet worldwide, are you sure about this?\n")
fmt.Scanf("%c", &response) //<--- here
switch response {
fmt.Println("SkyNet launch aborted!")
case 'y':
fmt.Println("SkyNet launched")
case 'Y':
fmt.Println("SkyNet launched")
Hope this tutorial can help you out.
See also : Golang : Read input from console line
By Adam Ng
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