Golang : Get current file path of a file or executable
Getting a file path in Golang is not that straight forward with just a single function call. In this tutorial, we will learn how to get the current file path of a file with filepath.Abs.
package main
import (
func main () {
filename := os.Args[1] // get command line first parameter
filedirectory := filepath.Dir(filename)
thepath, err := filepath.Abs(filedirectory)
if err != nil {
Executing > go run getfilepath.go somefile
will return the current path of the somefile
For finding out the executable file path. In most cases, os.Getwd should do the job.
You can use the above code as well to find the current path of the executing program. Just change the line
filename := os.Args[1] // get command line first parameter
filename := os.Args[0] // use own filename
Hope this tutorial can be useful to you.
References :
See also : Golang : File path independent of Operating System
By Adam Ng
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