Golang : Experimental emojis or emoticons icons programming language
So, after I published my experimental Jawi programming language code on Facebook, someone asked me if it is possible to code in any other human languages such as Kristang or emojis/emotion icons? The answer is YES. Below is an adaptation of the previous code but with a slightly different dictionary.
In the dictionary, the Golang's reserved words are mapped to some randomly selected emojis for this demo. You can replace the [bikini-icon], [shit-icon], etc with proper emojis before running this code below or copy the code at https://play.golang.org/p/GLlL8v_XdQa
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
emojisGolang := map[string]string{}
dictionary := `var,[bikini-icon]
lines := strings.Split(dictionary, "\n")
// build the dictionary
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) > 0 {
split := strings.Split(line, ",")
golang := split[0]
emojis := split[1]
emojisGolang[emojis] = golang
emojisCode := `
[briefcase-icon] [shit-icon]
[smiley-icon] (
[bikini-icon] txt = "هاي دنيا ! 世界汝好 ! Hello World ! "
[candy-icon] [shit-icon]() {
codeReader := strings.NewReader(emojisCode)
var scn scanner.Scanner
scn.Whitespace ^= 1<<'\t' | 1<<'\n' | 1<<'\r' | 1<<' ' // don't skip tabs and new lines
for tok := scn.Scan(); tok != scanner.EOF; tok = scn.Scan() {
switch tok {
case '\n':
case '\t':
fmt.Print(" ")
if emojisGolang[scn.TokenText()] != "" {
} else {
You can run the code at : https://play.golang.org/p/GLlL8v_XdQa
Reference :
See also : Golang : Experimental Jawi programming language
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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