Golang : Delete duplicate items from a slice/array
Problem :
Fairly common question or task that a programmer will face from time to time. How to remove duplicate items in a slice ?
For example, this slice has 2 string duplicates :
duplicate := []string{"Hello", "World", "GoodBye", "World", "We", "Love", "Love", "You"}
Solution :
Iterate over the slice and copy over the non duplicate items to a new slice.
package main
import (
func printslice(slice []string) {
fmt.Println("slice = ", slice)
//for i := range slice {
// fmt.Println(i, slice[i])
func stringInSlice(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == str {
return true
return false
func main() {
duplicate := []string{"Hello", "World", "GoodBye", "World", "We", "Love", "Love", "You"}
//need to delete duplicate data from slice
// the idea is to copy data over to a new slice without the duplicate
cleaned := []string{}
for _, value := range duplicate {
if !stringInSlice(value, cleaned) {
cleaned = append(cleaned, value)
Output :
slice = [Hello World GoodBye World We Love Love You]
slice = [Hello World GoodBye We Love You]
NOTE : I'm sure there are more efficient solution out there. But for simple task with small set of data. This solution should be sufficient.
See also : Golang : automatically figure out array length(size) with three dots
By Adam Ng
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