Golang : Convert int to byte array([]byte)

Problem :

You need to convert integer variable or constant to byte array ( [] byte ). How to do that?

Solution :

UPDATE: The answer below demonstrates few methods of converting integer variable to []byte (byte array/slice). The second method should be the answer that you ought to use. Other methods can be useful as well depending on your requirement.

Here you go!

 package main

 import (

 func main() {

 var intVar = 123
 fmt.Println("intVar is : ", intVar)
 fmt.Println("intVar type is : ", reflect.TypeOf(intVar))

 // depending on what you want to achieve, the first method
 // is to split the integer value into individual digit
 // i.e 123 to [1,2,3]
 // literally ... integer into a byte array of individual digits

 var rightMost, tempIntVar int
 var byteArray []byte

 tempIntVar = intVar

 for {
 // if use leftMost instead of rightMost, we need to know the length
 // of intVar in advance before applying modulo.
 // instead of % 10, use % 1e3 , where 3 is the position
 // but for simplicity sake and able to handle dynamic intVar length,
 // we use rightMost and reverse the order of the slice later.

 rightMost = tempIntVar % 10
 byteArray = append(byteArray, byte(rightMost)) // convert single digit to byte

 // update the tempIntVar, minus the processed rightMost
 tempIntVar /= 10

 if tempIntVar == 0 {

 // need to reverse the order
 fixByteArray := []byte{}
 for i := range byteArray {
 n := byteArray[len(byteArray)-1-i]
 fixByteArray = append(fixByteArray, n)

 //fmt.Println("byteArray : ", byteArray)

 fmt.Println("A byte slice for the integer variable.")
 fmt.Println("Byte array of integers : ", fixByteArray)
 fmt.Printf("Byte array of integers : % x\n", fixByteArray)
 fmt.Println("Byte array of integers type is : ", reflect.TypeOf(fixByteArray))

 // second method, convert the int directly to []byte
 // if you know the machine endian
 // for example, LittleEndian

 buff := new(bytes.Buffer)
 err := binary.Write(buff, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(intVar))
 if err != nil {

 intByteArray := buff.Bytes()
 fmt.Printf("intByteArray : % x\n", intByteArray)
 fmt.Println("intByteArray type is : ", reflect.TypeOf(intByteArray))

 // verify if 123 translates to 7b correctly
 byteI := byte(intVar)
 fmt.Printf("%v % x (%T)\n", intVar, byteI, byteI)

 // finally, if you just want to
 // get the ASCII representation.
 // Converting intVar to string first will do the job

 intByte := []byte(strconv.Itoa(intVar))
 fmt.Println("intByte is : ", intByte)
 fmt.Println("intByte in string : ", string(intByte))
 fmt.Println("intByte type is : ", reflect.TypeOf(intByte))

Output :

intVar is : 123

intVar type is : int

A byte slice for the integer variable.

Byte array of integers : [1 2 3]

Byte array of integers : 01 02 03

Byte array of integers type is : []uint8

intByteArray : 7b 00

intByteArray type is : []uint8

123 7b (uint8)

intByte is : [49 50 51]

intByte in string : 123

intByte type is : []uint8

  See also : Golang : convert int to string

By Adam Ng

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