Golang : Check if integer is power of four example
You need to test if a given integer is a power of 4. For example, if given number = 16, return true and if number = 9 return false.
Test to see if the number can be divided by 4 until it is 1.
package main
import (
func isPowerOfFour(num int) bool {
for num >= 4 {
if num%4 != 0 {
return false
num = num / 4
return num == 1
func main() {
fmt.Println("Is 9 power of 4? : ", isPowerOfFour(9))
fmt.Println("Is 64 power of 4? : ", isPowerOfFour(64))
fmt.Println("Is 8 power of 4? : ", isPowerOfFour(8))
// if use math.Pow() function, remember to convert float64
// to int
testNumPowerOfFour := int(math.Pow(2, 4))
fmt.Println("Is 16 power of 4? : ", isPowerOfFour(testNumPowerOfFour))
testNumPowerOfFour = int(math.Pow(2, 3))
fmt.Println("Is 8 power of 4? : ", isPowerOfFour(testNumPowerOfFour))
Is 9 power of 4? : false
Is 64 power of 4? : true
Is 8 power of 4? : false
Is 16 power of 4? : true
Is 8 power of 4? : false
See also : Golang : Math pow(the power of x^y) example
By Adam Ng
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