Golang : Calculate pivot points for a cross
As a habit, before I get into a trade position, I will always double check the target cross' pivot points. At minimum, I would like to know the Support and Resistance Level 1. This would help me to evaluate whether the trade position that I'm about to take make sense or not. For instance, if a trade position is near to Support Level 1....it doesn't make sense to take a short position.
Below is a code example on how to calculate the pivot points and the pivot points data can be very useful in tweaking a trading bot.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func main() {
oandaAccountID := ""
oandaAPIKey := ""
// set the NewConnection 3rd parameter to [false] to use DEMO account.
// [true] for LIVE account
UsingLIVEAccount := false // set false to use https://api-fxpractice.oanda.com
oanda := goanda.NewConnection(oandaAccountID, oandaAPIKey, UsingLIVEAccount)
fmt.Println("Calculating pivot points for NZD-JPY")
GetPivots(oanda, "NZD_JPY") // make sure to use underscore instead of hypen!
fmt.Println("Calculating pivot points for NZD-USD")
GetPivots(oanda, "NZD_USD") // make sure to use underscore instead of hypen!
func GetPivots(oanda *goanda.OandaConnection, cross string) {
data := oanda.GetCandles(cross, "2", "D") // H1 = 1 hour, D = 1 Day
high := data.Candles[0].Mid.High
low := data.Candles[0].Mid.Low
close := data.Candles[0].Mid.Close
current := GetPrice(oanda, cross)
pivot := (high + low + close) / 3
rangeHL := high - low
resistance1 := 2*pivot - low
resistance2 := pivot + rangeHL
resistance3 := resistance1 + rangeHL
support1 := 2*pivot - high
support2 := pivot - rangeHL
support3 := support1 - rangeHL
fmt.Println("Current Price : ", current)
fmt.Println("High : ", high)
fmt.Println("Low : ", low)
fmt.Println("Range : ", rangeHL)
fmt.Println("Resistance 1 : ", resistance1)
fmt.Println("Resistance 2 : ", resistance2)
fmt.Println("Resistance 3 : ", resistance3)
fmt.Println("Support 1 : ", support1)
fmt.Println("Support 2 : ", support2)
fmt.Println("Support 3 : ", support3)
func GetPrice(oanda *goanda.OandaConnection, cross string) float64 {
instrument := cross
priceResponse := oanda.GetInstrumentPrice(instrument)
return priceResponse.Prices[0].Bids[0].Price
Example output:
Calculating pivot points for NZD-JPY
Current Price : 75.804
High : 76.092
Low : 75.5
Range : 0.5919999999999987
Resistance 1 : 75.99066666666667
Resistance 2 : 76.33733333333333
Resistance 3 : 76.58266666666667
Support 1 : 75.39866666666667
Support 2 : 75.15333333333334
Support 3 : 74.80666666666667
Calculating pivot points for NZD-USD
Current Price : 0.67877
High : 0.68016
Low : 0.67533
Range : 0.004830000000000001
Resistance 1 : 0.6796233333333335
Resistance 2 : 0.6823066666666667
Resistance 3 : 0.6844533333333335
Support 1 : 0.6747933333333335
Support 2 : 0.6726466666666667
Support 3 : 0.6699633333333335
Reference :
See also : Golang : Find correlation coefficient example
By Adam Ng(黃武俊)
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