Golang : 2 dimensional array example
An example of how to create 2 dimensional array in Golang. Since arrays are fixed size construct, we must specify the dimension first before allocating memory for the array and only then we are able to manipulate the array.
Here we go!
package main
import (
func main() {
var rows, columns int
fmt.Println("Creating a 2 dimensional array of integer type ")
fmt.Print("Enter number of rows : ")
fmt.Print("Enter number of columns : ")
// allocate memory for 2 dimension array of integer type with
// [][]int
// and use number of rows to determine the size
array := make([][]int, rows)
// followed by columns
for i := range array {
array[i] = make([]int, columns)
array[0][0] = 0 // in progamming world, starting counting from zero
array[rows-1][columns-1] = rows * columns // assign value
// print all assigned values by rows
for r := range array {
fmt.Printf("row(%d) - %d\n", r, array[r])
// trigger manual garbage collection to reclaim allocated memory
array = nil
Sample output :
Creating a 2 dimensional array of integer type
Enter number of rows : 4
Enter number of columns : 2
row(0) - [0 0]
row(1) - [0 0]
row(2) - [0 0]
row(3) - [0 8]
See also : Golang : How to iterate over a []string(array)
By Adam Ng
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